
Cultural and Social Concourse
Cultivate, promote, foster, and develop the advancement of knowledge in Tamil culture
Organize and promote cultural events at the national and regional level and facilitate the participation of the various Tamil Sangams and Tamil societies in New Zealand
Tamil Awareness & Growth
Cultivate, promote, foster, and develop the advancement of knowledge in Tamil language and literature
Promote and encourage the usage and appreciation of the Tamil language through activities such as the running of Tamil lessons and Tamil Schools
Inter & Intra community
Promote better understanding and foster friendship among various Tamil Sangams and Tamil societies in New Zealand
Cultivate, promote, and foster the exchange of ideas and understanding between the Tamil people and other cultures
To promote and maintain unity and friendship among Members and between Members and other communities in New Zealand
National-level support and advocacy
Act upon charitable causes directly concerning the welfare of Tamil community living in New Zealand and the throughout the world
Raise funds and allocate it (whenever necessary) to Tamil Sangams and Tamil societies in New Zealand to assist the smooth running of their activities
To participate actively in the development of a culturally pluralistic and socially cohesive society in New Zealand
To promote the recognition of New Zealand as a multicultural society
To participate in and monitor legislation and other measures including by-laws affecting the interests of the ethnic communities throughout New Zealand and take appropriate action.
To organize, promote and encourage sports activities amongst the members of the ethnic community and between the Tamil Sangams and Tamil societies in New Zealand